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Update Compatibility Check with Elastic Upgrade Assistant

SEAL Elastic Stack version 7.17.x includes several SEAL Systems-specific configuration parameters that are pre-set in anticipation of a later upgrade to version 8.x.x.

By means of Elastic Upgrade Assistant you can check the current configuration parameters in advance for compatibility with the next version. The assistant guides you through this process. Additionally, you will receive hints and assistance for adjustments.


For details on Elastic Upgrade Assistant, refer to the original documentation of the software producer:

Upgrade Assistant

Using Elastic Upgrade Assistant

Start Elastic Upgrade Assistant and follow the instructions:


Elasticsearch Upgrade Settings

In the elasticsearch.yml configuration file, the following settings have been added for an easier later upgrade:

cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.enable_for_single_data_node: true false

Kibana Upgrade Settings

In the kibana.yml configuration file, the following settings have been added for an easier later upgrade:

uiSettings.overrides.defaultRoute: "/app/dashboards"
xpack.reporting.roles.enabled: false 8h 30d

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