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Logging of Third-Party Tools on Linux

As of version 7.16.1 the logging of data of third-party tools in SEAL Elastic Stack is disabled by default. You can reactivate it, if required.

Hint - log settings

This chapter describes how you manage the log data of the third-party tools in the Elasticsearch database.

For details on the configuration of the log level or the data that are to be logged, see the corresponding documentation of the third-party tool.

To reactivate the storing of the log data of third-party tools, open the following file on the PLOSSYS Output Engine server and follow the descriptions below.



  1. In the filebeat.modules section, activate the mongodb filebeat module by changing the enabled key from false to true:

    #------------------------------- Mongodb Module -------------------------------
    - module: mongodb
      # Logs
        enabled: true
        # Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
        # Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
          - /var/log/seal/mongod.log
  2. In the Kibana user interface, check the MongoDB messages:



  1. In the filebeat.modules section, activate the kibana filebeat module by changing the enabled key from false to true:

    #-------------------------------- Kibana Module --------------------------------
    - module: kibana
      # Server logs
        enabled: true
        # Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
        # Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
          - /var/log/seal/seal-kibana.log
  2. In the Kibana user interface, check the MongoDB messages:


Other Third-Party Tools

Check the values of the exclude_files key and remove the names of the log files you need from the list:

    - type: log
        - /var/log/seal/*.log
        - mongod.log
        - seal-filebeat.log
        - seal-kibana.log
        - seal-keycloak.log

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