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Logging of Third-Party Tools on Windows

As of version 7.16.1 logging data of third-party tools in SEAL Elastic Stack is disabled by default. You can reacivate it, if required.

Hint - log settings

This chapter describes how you manage the log data of the third-party tools in the Elasticsearch database.

For details on the configuration of the log level or the data that are to be logged, see the corresponding documentation of the third-party tool.

To reactivate the storing of the log data of third-party tools, open the following file on the PLOSSYS Output Engine server and follow the descriptions below.

"C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\filebeat.yml"


In the filebeat.modules section, activate the mongodb filebeat module by changing the enabled key from false to true:

#------------------------------- Mongodb Module -------------------------------
- module: mongodb
  # Logs
    enabled: true

    # Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
    # Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
      - "[LOGDIR]mongod.log"

In the Kibana user interface, check the MongoDB messages:



In the filebeat.modules section, activate the mongodb filebeat module by changing the enabled key from false to true:

#-------------------------------- Kibana Module --------------------------------
- module: kibana
  # Server logs
    enabled: true

    # Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
    # Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
      - "[LOGDIR]seal-kibana.log"

In the Kibana user interface, check the MongoDB messages:


Other Third-Party Tools

Check the values of the exclude_files key and remove the names of those log files that you whish to be logged from the list:

    - type: log
        - "C:\\ProgramData\\SEAL Systems\\log\\*.log"
        - '-\d+T\d+\S*\.log$'
        - mongod.log
        - seal-filebeat.log
        - seal-kibana.log
        - seal-keycloak.log

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