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SEAL Elastic Stack 7.17.4

New Features

  • SEAL Elastic Stack has been upgraded to use

    • Elasticsearch 7.17.20

    • Kibana 7.17.20

    • Filebeat 7.17.20


  • SEAL Logrotate has been moved to a separate software bundle. You have to install it before you install SEAL Elastic Stack. (ELK-130)

  • The and firewall.ps1 scripts will start the firewall only, if it had been activated before. (ELK-127)

  • Concerning the Delete phase of accounting and audit data, the storage period default of the corresponding lifecycle policy has been significantly enhanced from 7 to 365 days. This way these data are stored in the Elasticsearch database in this period between 365 and 395 days. (ELK-139)

    Hint - new installations only

    As during updates, our configuration script leaves settings of index policies untouched, the new default only affects new installations.

    If you need changes concerning the long term storage, you have to adjust the settings manually.

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